I used to work for a guy that spent most of his time during staff meetings and one-on-one conversations playing with his Blackberry. He never really cared what others were saying because his responses to questions and his off-hand comments would always deflect to what he wanted to discuss and rarely would he address the other person's ideas or inquiries. I still think of him as one of the most disrespectful and arrogant people I have known.
Looking back, I think he was insecure and uncomfortable communicating face-to-face, which would explain why 98% of his communications to his staff and peers was via e-mail. His poor listening and communication skills hurt his credibility with others, and caused many of of his ideas to be rejected or considered to have little merit. You see when you tend not to show respect and listen to others, they tend not to respect or listen to you. It is a shame people like him sometimes hold powerful "leadership" positions. These short-sighted, arrogant leaders are killing our organizations because they stifle creativity and open communication.
Great leaders must be incredible communicators, and must be respectful of others at all times.
Great leaders must be incredible communicators, and must be respectful of others at all times.
Watch this very short video of Tom Peters explain how we can ensure we are showing proper respect to others.
Absolutely truthful post. Leaders know not only how to communicate face to face with others but also how to be excellent listeners.
It's true! That man was a total disrespectful jerk
Knowing how to listen is not an inborn quality. It has to be learnt and developed.
Tom Peters says it clearly. Nobody is going to respect you if you do not show respect to others.
Listening is just as important as speaking.
Those who do not listen cannot appreciate other people's ideas.
I've seen this all of the time. The people who call meetings with everyone, but only spend minutes actually paying attention because their time is so valuable. Disgraceful.
Amazing... I knew someone just like this who would call a huge meeting and spend the whole time on his blackberry while "his people" would put on a show for him as he was scarcely paying attention -- disgraceful.
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