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Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Characteristics of a Successful Organizational Culture

Culture can be described as a set of behaviors that are refined and are used or sought after by people in their group. Cultural behaviors are a set of shared ideas and beliefs that are associated with a way of life.

In highly effective enterprises, cultures tend to have the following characteristics. There are many more, but these are some that come to mind:

Leaders lead and teach others to be leaders

A positive attitude is displayed by key managers and leaders

The organization's plans, policies, procedures, rules, and strategic direction are well documented and discussed at all levels of the organization

The opinions of employees are valued and they believe they are key members of the larger enterprise team

Work teams are encouraged to develop solutions to organizational problems

Continuous improvement is a part of the way business is done

The organization believes in and practices a philosophy of creativity and innovation

Professional politicians are looked at as a liability

Interdependent relationships are numerous and exist at all levels of the organization

Employees are recognized for their achievements

Feedback is continuous and two-way

Senior managers are visible and available

Resourse planning is practiced continuously

There is "Systems Thinking"

There is a shrinking gap between organizatinal potential and performance (and it is measured)

Team members evaluate the performance of their team as a whole and eliminate unproductive members that are unwilling to perform at acceptable levels

Senior management understands that the people doing the work are the ones that know how the work should be done

Managers are facilitators and coaches

Moral is high and people are satisfied with their jobs

People are committed to the organization's goals and to their work groups success


Pavel said...

Great post. Thanks.

God is with us said...

This is really awesome and incredibly great.Great job Ladies and Gentlemen out there