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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Martin Luther King, Jr. Quote

"Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted." -- MLK Jr.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Trust But Verify (Always)

To be successful in project management and life you must be trusting, but also trustworthy. I learned a difficult lesson recently that blind trust can be a flawed strategy.

Always, always remember, trust must first be earned! Trust takes time, effort, and commitment in order to grow and and be sustaining.

We need to be trusting of others, but first we need to ensure our goals are aligned and we take the time to build a meaningful partnership. Don't rush this phase!

You can't build a long lasting relationship without trust, and you can't have a meaningful relationship with petty self-serving people that are only out to serve their own agenda.

Be trusting, but be vigilent. All that glitters is not gold.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Differences Between a Good and Bad Leader

Here are a few of my thoughts regarding good and bad leaders

Good Leaders...
need to have a vision that is different, but still able to be accepted by the masses.
step outside of their comfort zones to make change happen
take risks, make sacrifices, and sometimes pay a cost to achieve their vision
instill confidence in others because they themselves are confident
build consensus
with charisma can change organizations
are encouragers
are positive
have the interests of others above their own
attract followers
bring new perspective to problem solving
are enablers
are an inspiration
Bad Leaders...
drive wedges in between people, teams, and organizational structures
don't stand up for their peers or their subordinates
behave like children when they don't get their way
gossip and spread rumors
don't reward others for their accomplishments
use "technobabble" and jargon to confuse others
believe they are smarter than everybody else
are unaware (sometimes) that most people don't respect them
dictate policy and doctrine almost exclusively via e-mail or memo
are invisible to most of the organization
don't want rules, processes, or procedures... except for others
prescribe before diagnosing
don't solicit input from others unless it is to validate what they already believe
kill organizations through their arrogance and unwillingness to listen
are silent when they should speak
speak when they should be silent
Bad leaders are hurting our organizations, our governmental institutions, our local schools, churches, and neighborhoods.  Bad leaders poison many of those around them, run organizations into the ground, and are culture killers.
Do your part to eliminate the "cancerous" effect caused by bad leaders. Be a "good" leader by exhibiting the necessary leadership principles and ideals that inspire and motivate others. 
Don't be just another talking head. 
Be visible, don't gossip, be respectful of others, build consensus, and most of all be honest in all of your dealings.